Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Grief      Good grief.    Grief!   I never really understood the importance of grieving! I knew it was what I was supposed to do after someone died . Grieve. Feel sad ,grow past ,get over it!
Grief is so much more than that!
I never realized that all losses we experience no matter how slight create an opportunity to kick start the grieving process !  Losing a loved one is an obvious trigger but do we stop and take the time to appreciate the process our body needs to go through?
If we neglect to allow the process all of our losses can add up and build into a huge mass of unresolved grief!
Ever broke a finger nail to find yourself  bawling or maybe cried yourself to pieces at the funeral of some one you " just"knew!
That's your minds ability to reach in when presented with a new loss to bring up unresolved grief  you have yet to process!
I attended a 10 week grief processing group! It has been life changing! To review my life and the many losses I experienced without recognizing them as such has provided me with a new found ability to do just that!
Losses come in many shapes and sizes and its important to recognize them for what they are and to follow through with the task of processing each !
First accept the reality of the loss and its impact on us!
Second let yourself experience the pain of grief!
Third adjust to the new environment/ life that is changed due to the loss has caused!
Lastly to reinvest the energy into life, loosen ties to the loss. And transform the loss into gain/value..
The 11 women that were in this group were some of the most compassionate and caring I have ever met!
I think it's important to connect with those that will be compassionate and understanding through this time!

  So I salute GRIEf.  And my new ability to understand it as well as access it!

Take Good Care!

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