Ofcourse the first place my mind goes to is Charlotte my only cat.
She has been a pleasure the last few days.We have enjoyed many walks together.
She gets along so well with the dogs and enjoys hanging out withe the few deer in the yard.
Tonight I will have to turn on her heater. She is so tame I would have her in the house if I could....I have lately been thinking about finding her a home (in a home) as I sometimes think she deserves it. Then I think again from her perspective....she would miss the place she was born. She probably knows more about every inch of this place than we ever will. She has had a good 5 1/2 years of life here. The valley is her playground in the summer and the alfalfa fields provide many fat juicy gophers for her buffet come spring. In the summer its a lazy life for her finding a cool spot out of the sun . Usually curled up under one of the 50 year old caraganas.
Then there are her favourite sports bird and mouse hunting..I really feel guilty sometimes feeding the birds that become her prey...The mice no guilt there lol
So here she will stay.After all how many cats on the farm have a heated condo .
When we moved to the farm Tom said NO CATS...lol he hated cats . He soon learned when our surprise litter came along that Charlotte and her brothers and her kittens to follow would be a God send as he hated MICE more!!. Now he adores Charlottte..
Well now to keep my lonely cat alive until I can bring her new friends home in the spring...
I hate to admit but I can be found brushing her in the cat condo every few nights. She loves it and curls around the brush as I comb her. I have to brush her as her and the others were "blessed " with very long hair. Barney and Kit Kat had to get shaved this spring as they were so matted...Definitely not the best situation for a farm cat....They endured..
This winter I bought a brush that fits in the door of the condo so a good brushing happens everytime she goes in or out...I just enjoy spending time with her.....and helping her to feel less lonely.
Anyway get on the long johns . Keep warm and here's to the next warm spell.
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