Well what an interesting 3 weeks.
It all started with the decision that mom was not able to care for dad any longer. I would do my best to find him a good care home ! My dad was assessed and the pallative care coordinator informed me that he was not eligible for long term care. My options hire more help in or place him in a private care home!
At 30$ am hour in home care was getting expensive and mom was wearing out with the constant coming and going of home care etc. so I toured the three most popular homes and as in a previous blog i mentioned that I chose Chez Nous. Beautiful old house, good activity schedule, lots of great recommendations and pretty darn nice staff. We moved dad in on the Monday! As the week progressed things just didn't seem as promised. Same clothes worn day after day . Constant blood sugar lows, and dad seemed sad ! He had fallen twice the one time he lost his wallet in the process and no one bothered to help him find it! I did when I got there!We were soon to learn one if not some of he staff thought that a low blood sugar needed to be treated with insulin. Very opposite from the truth ! Saturday my daughter witnessed how his diabetes was being mismanaged. Given a shot of insulin while In a low then fed enough sugar to put him in a high. An employee ready to give more insulin for the high thank goodness Kim was there and found his blood sugar was infect not high and she prevented the employee from giving the insulin or he would have crashed again all very serious stuff !
Then Sunday we all went to visit. Dad's pants were soaked to his knees down the front , socks urine stained and he smelled really really bad! I changed him his protective shorts were soaked and my attempts to sponge bath him were useless. We decided then and there he would be leaving chez nous. This wasn't in the plan at all we had hooked up cable installed a wall mount tv and I had decorated the room so it would be home. Care was number one and home he would go. Or do I thought !
2 am. My phone rings. Dad is on his way to hospital by ambulance blood sugar very low! I get to hospital and the ambulance driver is someone I know very well! He tells me that the employee at chez nous ran and got dad's insulin and told him dad would need it as he was having a low blood sugar 1.9 is very low and the EMT told me a shot of insulin could have killed him! I was furious and grateful they did not give him the insulin before the ambulance got there.
( I have since heard many bad reports about chez Nous. Change of ownership several months ago has meant changes for the worst others have pulled family members put and hour complaints were made to the authorities I. Charge)
Thankfully he was bathed the next morning and received excellent care in hospital
On the weds after being admitted the palliative care coordinator told me they would access dad for longterm care again it looked promising. Thursday I was told no again! Friday I received an email tellingly that they were considering him for long term again and that dad's case worker was fighting for us/him! I called her and she was happy to say ghat it was going to happen he would be eligible! All that was needed was the paperwork to be signed! A meeting was set at the hospital for Monday morning!
We were all there I felt a sense of relief as longterm care means dad would be looked after by RNs not LPNs so better qualified nurses for his conditions.
The pallative care coordinator no sooner started talking then she told us due to nurses notes on the weekend dad did not qualify! &$;:@()@@
Good weekend. They had to call the heart specialist on Saturday dad thought he was dying chest pains blacked out. Can barely walk , blood sugar concerns and many other concerns. Nope dad was going home
Well he is at home. Other stuff has gone on. Home are trying to get him on a drug that is dangerous for diabetics. I put a stop on that! Homecare demanding into spray cause it was on hospital orders. When in fact it was dad's nitro patches ! Them coming and going and driving mom nuts
Good news I have hired a very nice lady to care for mom and dad! She quit the company that I had originally hired to help dad. We scooped her up! She is like another daughter for mom mostly. But dad loves her too
With her help and me limiting home care to one visit a day and taken away their rights to diagnose or getting Dr. to prescribe meds things are going smoothly
Kim has been a huge help at one point I wanted to string her up now we are working together.
Dad is relaxed and Theresa the hired lady can get him to eat she keeps him
Clean and well looked after
Mom is misbehaving lol. She loves Theresa and they play games visit look at photo albums and giggle ALOT!!!my nerves are frazzled. I do hope this gets easier at some point throughout it all it is not my parents that are the problem it is all of the"resources" the government has made available to make my life easier ! I'm considering firing them all.
Off to bed. One last note we are all getting older. Who will take care of us????